On Friday April 26 at 9 AM, the Cook County Democratic Party will hold a County Clerk appointment meeting at IBEW Local 134, 2722 S. King Drive in Chicago. This meeting is being called due to the unfortunate passing of Clerk Karen Yarbrough.
At this meeting, the Party’s 80 Democratic committeepersons will hear from interested candidates, ask questions, and then take two votes: a vote for an interim clerk to serve through December 2024, and a vote to place a Democratic candidate on the November ballot to run to serve out the final two years of Clerk Yarbrough’s unexpired term.
Interested candidates are asked to email the Party a request to appear along with a copy of their current resume: cookcountydems@msn.com
Candidates should submit their request to appear no later than Wednesday April 24 at 5 PM.
Additional questions? Call the Party at 312-263-0575.