The policies that we support as the Cook County Democratic Party are rooted in justice, progress and our shared Democratic values. The Policy Committee is firmly committed to those ideals and together, identifies and makes recommendations of policies and platforms the Party may adopt.

Chair: Jessie Fuentes
26th Ward
Chair: Dean Maragos
New Trier Township

Committee Members

Ward or TownshipCommitteeperson Name
1Laura Yepez
4Toni Preckwinkle
6Elgie Sims
8Michelle Harris
9Anthony Beale
12Theresa Mah
21Howard Brookins
22Michael Rodriguez
24Monique Scott
26Jessie Fuentes
30Ruth Cruz
33Rossana Rodriguez
35Carlos Rosa
38Robert F. Martwick, Jr.
39Ram Villivalam
40Maggie O’Keefe
45Michael Rabbitt
46Sean Tenner
49Kelly Cassidy
BremenVernard Alsberry
LyonsSteven Landek
MaineLaura Murphy
New TrierDean Maragos
NorthfieldTracy Katz Muhl
Oak ParkDon Harmon
RichCalvin Jordan
RiversideMichael Zalewski
SchaumburgMike Cudzik
WheelingMark Walker
WorthPatricia Murphy