Our Circuit Court judges serve a variety of courts and decide legal matters involving people throughout Cook County. The committee members understand that our community deserves judges who bring the best value and judgment to the court.  This principle guides their work in interviewing countywide Circuit Court candidates and making recommendations for endorsements.

Chair: Don Harmon
Oak Park Township

Vice Chair: Emma Mitts
37th Ward

Committee Members

Ward or TownshipCommitteeperson Name
2Tim Egan
4Toni Preckwinkle
5Leslie Hairston
6Elgie Sims
8Michelle Harris
10Peter Chico
11John Daley
12Theresa Mah
20Mattie Hunter
22Michael Rodriguez
31Felix Cardona
34Bill Conway
35Carlos Rosa
37Emma Mitts
38Robert F. Martwick, Jr.
39Ram Villivalam
40Maggie O’Keefe
41John Hanley
47Paul Rosenfeld
48Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth
49Kelly Cassidy
BarringtonRobert Steffen
CalumetRobert Rita
CiceroLarry Dominick
Elk GroveTed Mason
EvanstonDaniel Biss
LemontKevin Ameriks
LeydenBarrett Pedersen
LyonsSteven Landek
MaineLaura Murphy
New TrierDean Maragos
NilesJosina Morita
NorthfieldTracy Katz Muhl
Norwood ParkFrank Avino
Oak ParkDon Harmon
OrlandBeth Kirkwood
PalatineMaria Galo
PalosRobert Maloney
ProvisoEmanuel “Chris” Welch
RichCalvin Jordan
SchaumburgMike Cudzik
StickneyVincent Cainkar
ThorntonNapoleon Harris